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Simply Splendid Blog

Morning Routine for Growing your Business Creatively

Flinders Ranges

Photo Of Flinders Rangers in morning By David Salomon

My Ideal Morning Routine

I am a morning person. I love mornings. It is my most creative time of the day, it makes me happy to hear birds sing in the morning and seeing the sun rise sets me up for a creative rewarding and productive day.

I wake naturally somewhere between 5:30 and 6:30.THere are times when I am more tired than usual and will go to bed earlier. Since I seem to need around 7 hours sleep it means occasionally that I will wake around 4am when the day before was particularly tiring. I make it a point to get u when I wake up. So on those mornings I wake at 4 I will get up and write or read for a while. Usually I will feel tired after a bit and will go back to be for some top up and then get up around the usual time. This way I can go to bed when I am tired, wake when I am fully rested and maintain a schedule. Please note: I abhor alarm clocks. Even the name puts me off. Why wake to an alarm, why not wake to peace and tranquility. I really question snooze buttons as to my mind it means people wake in alarm then drift back to sleep in that state and even go through a number of cycles in the morning. For me that would disturb my whole day. If there are schedules that I cannot miss I will set an alarm and invariably find that I wake 5 or 10 minutes before it.

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Developing Our Creative Business Mindset

 images and image makers

unsplash-logoDawid Zawiła

Being Creative

Let me ask you this. Is creativity a way of thinking or a way of being?

There is so much emphasis on thinking creatively as if it is something you learn. Some people think they are creative while others think they are not creative at all. the fact is that we al have creative energy running through us. With each breath creative things happen in our bodies, in our minds and in our world. Energy transformations take place with every breath, from harnessing energy from oxygen in the air, to converting it to movement, building blood, muscle and bone, to crafting things and making stuff. Creativity is not something we have or don't have, it is part of our very being.

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Growing Your Creative Business

hitching a ride

unsplash-logoAtlas Green

Learning From Soul Talks

One of the things I look forward to every month is recording Soul Talks. It is a fabulous program with speakers on topics as diverse as Feldenkrais to intuitive healing to mandalas as portals to the unconscious. It happens every month and is freely available to everyone.

In the 80's I had the good fortune to train with Dorothy Hll one of the greats in herbal medicine and iridology here in Australia. In my private practice it was not the skills of diagnosis and formulating remedies that were challenging but rather how to operate a small business, in particular how to grow a small business. This continues to be one of the skill that challenges people who are following their passion and are good at it. I guess Soul Talks addresses that to some degree by presenting a forum where practitioners talk about a diverse range of modalities.

It struck me that these Soul Talks are a valuable resource not just as a recorded talk on the internet. You experience the greatest value from the talks as a whole when you attend the live event. You are able to fully engage with the presentations and experience the demonstrations directly. Yet there is more information packed into each 75 minute presentation than anyone can integrate on the fly. With every new piece of information our minds flies off on a tangent to assimilate it. Meanwhile the talk has moved on and we are in catch up mode. Yes, you can take notes as you listen and improve your retention that way And while all the information is there in the recordings (have embedded them on my website in a way that they are easy to find) few people have the time to sit down and rewatch a 75 minute video and learn everything that is contained in it. Each Soul Talk Day has 5 hours of presentations, much more than anyone can reasonable attend to.

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