Media Production Stories How to create effective online content without taking up all your time. (The short version)
Articles on creating video content for the web.

Simply Splendid Blog

How to create effective online content without taking up all your time. (The short version)

The old advertising model is broken.

Online viewers filter out online ads the same way most people do with TV, radio and print ads. Only a small proportion respond when something in particular has caught their attention and the rest are simply an annoyance. What we are finding in the digital space is that viewers respond to something of real value if it is something they are interested in. It has to be quality content and it needs to be directed to the right viewers. How many emails a day doe you send straight to the trash?

The goal of a business or organisation using social media is to build community, connecting with people by offering valuable content that they are interested in. The viewers are happy to give their email address when there is a fair exchange. The technology is actually the easier part, Facebook Likes, Youtube subscribers and Blog followers, can all be gathered in a series of email lists and Facebook custom audiences.

The example I am using is a monthly event called Soul Talks where presenters are invited to share their expertise. Each 90 minute Soul Talk presentation is recorded and edited into short and longer stand alone videos.

Stage one

A promotion and distribution strategy that uses the most powerful features of each social media platform:

  • Facebook is unsurpassed in targeting messages to custom audiences based on demographics and personal interests
  • YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet, and audiences easily find content by keyword search
  • Blog pages are one of the best ways to engaging dedicated followers with in depth content

Stage two

Leverage the initial connection and put communication channels in place such as:

  • Facebook custom, and look-a-like audiences who have ''Liked" posts, and visited web pages
  • YouTube followers subscribe to your channel

A segmented email list as a powerful way to engage with people based on their specific interests and the level of engagement with your content. Of all the platforms used in this strategy it is the only one that belongs to you and is not subject to changes in algorithms and platform terms and conditions

Stage three

Schedule live broadcasts and post native video which call your viewers to action.

The strategy is linked together and automated using custom built landing pages, email autoresponder services and ecommerce facilities.

There are many possible variations on this strategy that can be substituted for a better fit. For example, a podcast may be better than a blog for certain kinds of content or the particulate interests and skills of the creator. For content that is distributed on a periodic rather than a continuous distribution, webinars or membership programs may be preferred. We develop custom strategies to suit your particular need.

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